PinnedPublished inTDS ArchiveLarge Language Models: A Short IntroductionAnd why you should care about LLMsJan 2111Jan 2111
PinnedPublished inTDS ArchiveHidden Markov Models Explained with a Real Life Example and Python codeHMMs are probabilistic models used to solve real life problems ranging from weather forecasting to finding the next word in a sentenceNov 5, 20237Nov 5, 20237
PinnedPublished inTDS ArchiveRecurrent Neural Networks Explained with a Real Life Example and Python CodeUsing Recurrent Neural Networks in a Sentiment Analysis taskMay 31, 20222May 31, 20222
PinnedPublished inTDS ArchiveMultilayer Perceptron Explained with a Real-Life Example and Python Code: Sentiment AnalysisMultilayer Perceptron is a Neural Network that learns the relationship between linear and non-linear data.Sep 21, 202114Sep 21, 202114
PinnedPublished inTDS ArchiveMarkov models and Markov chains explained in real life: probabilistic workout routineMarkov defined a way to represent real-world stochastic systems and processes that encode dependencies and reach a steady-state over time.Dec 30, 202014Dec 30, 202014
Published inSide Notes by Carolina BentoRunning — The Ultimate ResetThe pavement is uneven, the sun is high. The body moves rhythmically, but the mind is still, it’s all quiet up there.Sep 9, 2024Sep 9, 2024
Published inSide Notes by Carolina BentoPorque é que corres aqui? || Why are you running here?São como torres de carbono || Like towers made of carbonJul 28, 2024Jul 28, 2024
Published inTDS ArchiveROC Analysis and the AUC — Area Under the CurveExplained with a real life example in PythonDec 28, 20229Dec 28, 20229
Published inTDS ArchiveGradient Boosted Decision Trees explained with a real-life example and some Python codeGradient Boosting algorithms tackle one of the biggest problems in Machine Learning: bias.Aug 19, 20211Aug 19, 20211
Published inTDS ArchiveRandom Forests Algorithm explained with a real-life example and some Python codeRandom Forests is a Machine Learning algorithm that tackles one of the biggest problems with Decision Trees: variance.Jul 12, 20216Jul 12, 20216